Friday, March 13, 2009

Cat Facts For New Cat Owners

Adopting a new cat is exciting and scary all at the same time. There are so many things you need to consider and understand when it comes to owning a new pet. Cats are generally low maintenance animals, however without the proper care, grooming, and nutrition they can quickly become high maintenance and cost you much more money than you would expect. Here are some cat facts for new cat owners.

Health and Nutrition

These two aspects in a cats life are probably two of the most important. Health and nutrition play a vital role in how a cat functions, behaves, and basically how they live. When it comes to nutrition, cats are carnivores and require a meat diet. Despite what people may think, cats do not eat fruits and vegetables in their diet at all, and doing so can make them really sick. They are strictly carnivorous animals and are incapable of digesting nutrition from vegetable and fruit proteins. It is just in their physical nature to eat meat. This is most of the reason behind cat food being more expensive than dog food; there's more meat. Ideally your cat should be eating things like whole mice, crickets, lizards, etc. but since that is unlikely in the event that you have an indoor cat, cat food can act as a substitute. You can buy cat food dry or in cans. Dry foods are the least expensive and can actually help keep the teeth and gums clean and healthy. Soft and canned foods are more expensive but have more of an appeal to cats than the dry food. Milk is also another source of food for cats; this is not considered a drink. The only drink for a cat is water. Milk provides cats with calcium needed for strong bones and teeth as well as other vitamins and minerals. In order to keep your cat healthy you need to make sure you feed them what their bodies need.

Regular Check ups and Vaccinations

As a new cat owner you may be unaware of how many visits you should make to the vet so don't be afraid to ask someone. Cats, just like children and adults need regular visits to the vet to make sure they stay healthy. As a responsible cat owner, it is your job to get them to the vet as often as necessary and provide them with the vaccinations needed to keep them healthy and strong. There are many diseases which your cat may be immunized for. Here are a few of those diseases that vaccinating will help prevent:

· Feline Panleukopenia. This is an extremely contagious viral disease that normally affects young kittens.
· Feline Leukemia. Feline Leukemia is the leading cause of disease and death in cats today.
· Rabies. The fatal disease can affect the central nervous system in all mammals, including humans. Cats are at an increased risk because they are more likely to roam at night causing them to come in contact with wild animals.

Vaccinating your cat for disease and having them spayed or neutered can help decrease their chances of becoming ill, and extend their life up to three years.

Sleep Behavior

It's important to know that cats generally sleep for most of the day. They love sleeping and will do so for several hours at a time. On average cats sleep between twelve and sixteen hours a day, while kittens may sleep longer as they are still in their growing phase. There are several things that can contribute to so much sleep, genetics, the food they eat, and even boredom. Understand that it is important for your cat to rest, but providing them with stimulating activities and a stimulating environment when they're not asleep will keep them from oversleeping.

Most cats will make great companions and family pets. Remember to keep these basic facts for new cat owners in mind when it comes to health and nutrition, check ups, and sleeping patterns. This will help you get a better feel for your cat, and more opportunity to better meet their needs.