Thursday, January 29, 2009

Cat Care

One of the most exciting times in a person's life is the moment when a new kitten becomes a part of that individual's home. If you are bringing a new kitten into your life, it is important that you understand the basics of cat care. Through this article you are provided an overview of cat care, particular the care that is needed for a kitten that is now joining your family.

The first factor that you need to keep in mind is the confusion and fear that your new little friend will experience when he or she enters into your home for the first time. Even if the kitten has had some time away from his or her mother, relocating to a new environment can be very difficult for a kitten. Therefore, perhaps the most important cat care tip and pointer that you need to keep in mind when bringing a kitten home is the need for you to spend time with the little guy or gal. (The kitten needs to get to know you as well!)

The next pointer to bear in mind when it comes to cat care and your new kitten is to make sure that he or she understands where the litter box is located. (Obviously, this is for the benefit of the kitten - and for you.) In this regard, you will want to place the litter box in a location at which the cat can have some privacy when he or she is tending to business. Moreover, you want to make sure that the litter box is at a location in which your kitten will not feel trapped when attending to his or her personal matters.

Finally, you will want to make sure that you have appropriate food for your kitten and plenty of water as part of your initial cat care efforts for your new kitten. You will want to select quality food for your new friend that specifically is designed for a kitten.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Cats Impact Human Behavior

Are you the owner of a cat? Is there anything about your cat when you picked her that her? I have a cat named Pepper who collected a garbage when it was 24 hours old. I know, what can you say about a little kitten that does not even have our eyes open. I'm not sure, but that is what made me choose Pepper, functioned properly.

There are several studies that have been made to test whether there is a relationship between cats and their owners' interactions with other human beings. Specifically, owning a cat ellicit compassion to animals and then translates into more compassionate towards other beings humans. An Australian study conducted at the University of Central Queensland proved such a link exists.

The University of Pennsylvania studied another aspect of this - if you have a pet as a child would make a much more compassionate towards animals and humans as adults. The results showed that children who had strong relationships with their cats or dogs as children are more humane attitudes towards animals and humans as adults. It also showed that children have grown and the animals had strong relationships with them, developing stronger relationships with people in adulthood.

Why is that cats in particular that shows our compassion? Be like a cat owner, I can say what you are saying pepper by the tone of his voice, his facial expressions and posture. It's like having a baby who can not speak, but as you come to know her, you start to understand their moods and needs. The development of this sense of the needs of your pet and moods may well allow a better "read" other as adults.

There is something about the dogs and puppies that we want to grow. Are soft, small, stuffed animals and give love. Compassion that brings us naturally. Studies have shown this is especially true for women, perhaps because of the innate maternal instinct inside. Although the men who had strong relationships with their dogs or cats as children showed more compassion in the future relations as those who had no pets. Whatever it is, we show compassion to animals do not translate to show more compassion towards human beings, which is something positive.

Most of these research studies using dogs and their owners because cats can be picked up and loved, even as adults. For those who have never seen the dogs that no value for us and society in general, you may want to reconsider. That might help us to treat each other a little better.